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Article Title: American Gun Control
Author of reported comment: Eric
Comment Date: 18:59 on Jan 12 2013
Comment: You make some interesting points, and I can certainly understand the confusion as an outsider (to the idiosyncrasies of American culture). Even more interesting, is your initial point that "[t]here are some people in the UK who never thought they would be agreeing with Piers Morgan, but they now find themselves in that position." The reason for this is actually quite simple; Piers Morgan is simply lying through his teeth. Please look at for more details. Morgan also deploys standard disinformation tactics (more detail at to make him appear as having honest debate, when the truth is that his tactics expose that he is anything but honest. An article I will offer, which is the most comprehensive essay I've found on this subject, is at the following: I believe it is the most comprehensive, because it addresses each and every point of the debate, with a level of technical accuracy and implacable logic, which I find both rare and refreshing. Please contrast the information- and competence- of Larry Correia, with the smarmy, ratings-hungry Piers Morgan. I would submit that the rights of Americans to keep and bear arms is not merely a right granted by the Constitution; it is merely an observation that all men have the right to defend themselves- from criminal elements among either society... OR the government. ALL free men have this right, regardless of country, religion or color. Regards, Eric
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