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Article Title: Janny Grein Dies
Author of reported comment: Rich Gomez
Comment Date: 22:33 on Dec 5 2012
Comment: It seems that Paul and I have had a similar experience. Today, Janny came to mind and I did a search on Yahoo only to find out that she is with the Lord. Janny was someone very special in my life when I first began leading worshippers in 1980. She knew (by His Spirit) that there were times when I would be right where the Lord wanted me to be (musically speaking) and there were times when I wasn't. She prophesied over me that a time was coming when I would be hitting the "Bullseye," as she put it, everytime. Many years later the Lord fulfilled that word in my life and as long as I leaned on Him instead of myself we never missed. Thank you Janny for all you brought to so many lives especially in those early days when so many of us were feeling our way through. Your songs provided direction and you were (and are) a gift from God.
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