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Article Title: John James In Homeland
Author of reported comment: Pastor G.S.Thomas Jr
Comment Date: 11:25 on Sep 15 2012
Comment: Dear Brother John I Greet you in the Name of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ The Lord This is my happy privilege to know about your great ministry in His harvest and serving for His glory. We the organisation FEED MY PEOPLE working for the planting of churches, orphanages, Aged and Widows, Relief and Rehabilitation work, self help projects for the youth and education development of the poor/extremely povertied people.We have 80 no of churches in villages, having 90 nos of pastors/Bible women, orphanages 9 with 190 no of orphan, street, crippled, leprosy stricken parent children, HIV/AIDS effected parent children, children in distress conditions etc.and we do relief and rehabilitation work when the natural calamities happened. We also establish self help projects to the divorced widows, girls in disturbed circumstances, parentless etc with tailoring skills, embroidery works, painting, pickles making etc areas of work to stand by their own with comfortable social status.We are having a bible college training young people for God Ministry we are having a nursing college for women who are from back ward class who cant support them self. We cordially requsting you to come to INDIA to preach the word of God in Persons conventions and to see our orphanages, Aged homes, and church work and get together work for His glory. We earnestly praying for your visit to INDIA in coming months. Please visit us our web site : Please pray for this Ministry Closing with sincere prayers. Looking forward to hear from you soon Thanking you, Your Brother in Christ, Pastor .G.S . Thomas.Jr
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