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Article Title: God's Kitchen
Author of reported comment: Danny Haszard
Comment Date: 09:08 on Feb 21 2012
Comment: Straight up doctrinal facts on Jehovah Witness. The Jehovah’s Witnesses teach preach that Jesus had his return aka second coming October 1914,then they spin all sorts of doctrinal embellishments on that date with 1918 being their appointment by Jesus as sole heirs of this 1914 Kingdom coming. They have infighting,crime and child abuse as bad as any church out there. Have a deadly dogma prohibiting whole blood transfusion but use cow’s blood calling it *Hemopure*. They teach only 144,000 go to heaven,on and on and on with made up man made dogmas……JW are a spin-off of the second adventist and have this in common with the SDA. Jehovah’s Witnesses promotion of their Watchtower sect has the net effect of stumbling and turning people off to the real Gospel. Jesus said: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte; and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves” (Matt 23:15) - Danny Haszard born 3rd generation Jehovah's Witness *Tell the truth don't be afraid*
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