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Article Title: The Edge Of The Divine
Author of reported comment: David Martin
Comment Date: 09:01 on Feb 16 2012
Comment: I take issue with you Mike Rimmer, you have no right to speak for other Brits but only for yourself! I as a Brit have much more respect for Sandi than you have as she is a "whole" musician through and through and her orchestrations are NOT over the top. Are you a qualified musician to be able to understand the orchestrations of the likes of Clydesdale and Maddux etc? I doubt it or you would not be saying such shallow thoughts here for others to peruse. Sandi has done more to raise the standard of Christian music than any other artist to date and she and her mum are superduper pianists also. Whilst you have the right to state your opinions, be very careful what you say as there are thousands of professionals who will take issue with your shallow words here! There is NOTHING wrong with a florid orchestral arrangement so I suggest you go back to your day job which I SUSPECT is not of a musician, most probably you are an average musician. The professional will always be able to understand orchestration and therefore would NOT say such naiive words like you have so flippantly used here. Sandi is the BEST! I have heard her live in concert, have you? David Martin LGSM LTCL LLCM ALCM Member of the European Piano Teachers Association UK Ex Member of the Board of Examiners at LCMM Member of the Churches Child Protection Advisory Service
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