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Article Title: Shipwrecked Faith
Author of reported comment: just a nobody
Comment Date: 06:07 on Dec 1 2011
Comment: part 2 it's about HIS faithfulness to us.if we loose faith, he is still faithful to us, because he can't deny himself. he is who he is, and he keeps us in those scars on the palms of his hands. nothing that exists can wipe us off those scars. they are there for us. and there is nothing satan can do to tear us out of those scars. they are permanent, just like we are. "RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD OF TRUTH" and you will learn the difference between living in guilt and condemnation under the law, and the freedom of grace. berean bible society helps many many people come to understand their freedom in Christ, and it truly is liberating. but then again, it is the TRUTH that sets you free after all. i was there, i struggled greatly under doctrines that only condemned and made it seem impossible to be set free from the fear, condemnation, judgement of the law. coming to understand grace was the only thing that helped set me free. some may scoff at dispensationalism, but it truly is the key to understanding the bible and the age of grace we live in today. best wishes to all who read this and continue to seek for the truth that will set them free.
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