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Article Title: Michael W Smith: The healing process
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 17:48 on Aug 15 2011
Comment: Michael W. Smith is a very busy man it seems these days. I understand his varied influences to record different styles of music. I somehow think that the "healing process" was missed out on somewhere: the title of the article. Michael is a very gifted musician and songwriter. I highly commend the song "There She Stands" and the video shoot. I read all about what he is doing and what he has done; and those he keeps contact with. Michael states that, he is trying to hear GOD; well, for one, in order for that to happen, we need to "BE STILL". Michael has too many irons in the fire! Healing processes do not occur overnight; as with a lot of other things too I might add. We need alone time with GOD! Is Michael more concerned at doing what he wants? I wonder how we as believers would feel and react, if GOD gave us place in the wilderness for about 3 years and fed us twice a day by ravens and we had to drink from a brook as Elijah?
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