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Article Title: Rioters Are NOT 'Scum'! They Are The Fatherless
Author of reported comment: Bob House
Comment Date: 13:59 on Aug 15 2011
Comment: You are correct, in my view Jonathan, and your observations mirror that of Melanie Philips, in the Daily Mail. The biblical principle of sowing and reaping have in these recent riots, proven the negative aspect of the principal. As the late Dr Derek Prince commented, over 10 years ago, 'the one of the main causes of the breakdown in society is delinquent males'. Without positive father figures, and role models, christain or non-christian, our moral compass will be spinning out of control. I endorse the assertion from Ms Philips, that moral values, stemming from biblical principles need to be restored if we are to make any progress towards a stable society. May be we are reaching a point in Britain when, the silent moral majority will raise their voice and say 'enough is enough'.
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