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Article Title: Rioters Are NOT 'Scum'! They Are The Fatherless
Author of reported comment: Neil
Comment Date: 15:45 on Aug 14 2011
Comment: Agree with much of what you say Jonathan, however, I have to agree more with Ian Hughes comments, we all make choices and in most cases know the right ones from the wrong. It was well publicised that some of these rioters were from well-to-do backgrounds and had a future some would 'envy'. Yes, fatherless children are more vulnerable to slipping into bad ways, but as described already, a constant growing culture of indiscipline has more to answer for- being driven by those who think discipline is a bygone word of the Victorian era and has no place in the modern society. At school if you did wrong you were punished - simple. At home, you were sent up to your room and sat in solitary silence to contemplate your actions. Now children can just plug in there ipods or Xboxes etc and remain entertained in thier moments of living room exile, a trait which if I am honest, my own children subscibe too. However, one is for sure, they have been well advised on what is right and wrong and being bought up in a Christian family teaches them values absent in most areas of modern society.
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