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Article Title: Making Monkeys Out Of Us
Author of reported comment: Rev Dave Tolhurst
Comment Date: 17:04 on Aug 11 2011
Comment: Thanks for your thoughts and refections Paul, I could not agree more that we get ourselves so entangled in these debates that we fail to see the amazing truth that God created all of us in his image, male and female, equal. Our life was started by his breath being breathed into us. What a gift! For the record my own theological standpoint after much study of the biblical creation accounts is that we should look to Genesis 1 as a piece of rich and beautiful poetry, it has a rich grandeur along with a liturgical beat. I picture in my head the exiled Israelites reciting this as they worship YHWH. The essential truth remains though, we were created by a God who loves us, created in his image and he stayed with us, the bible is a story of relationship that starts with creation and continues through the rebellion of Isreal, a relationship culmination in our salvation through Jesus Christ, God walking among us once again. Let us celebrate a God who loves us that much!
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