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Article Title: Rioters Are NOT 'Scum'! They Are The Fatherless
Author of reported comment: Hal Legere
Comment Date: 10:00 on Aug 11 2011
Comment: Keneth and Ian, I agree with the spirit of what you say. I too know people who fall into the demographic which puts them at risk and yet they prevail and prosper. I too know people with every advantage who fail miserably. That is not the point, of course we know these people the statistics given allow for that. However when we see a specific pattern it needs to be heeded. Eg. Seatbelts save lives.. of course we have all heard stories of people who died because they were wearing seatbelts. Or someone who survived only because they had their seatbelt off. Yes people have died and survived against the odds but we still need to play the odds correctly. Wear your seatbelt. and Fight Fatherlessness.
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