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Article Title: Amy Grant: Behind the buzz of 'Behind The Eyes'
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 15:50 on Aug 4 2011
Comment: I have a similar magazine regarding the release of Amy's "Behind the Eyes" in early Sept. of 1997. I also have maxi single released in late July 1997 with the newly recorded "El-Shaddai". As a stout believer, I agree that, believers have put Amy on a high pedestool; Amy has certainly, without a doubt blessed out world with her music. She is among the greatest ccm vets though, whether she believes and accepts it or not. I am a little baffled why the above writer had to include initial rumours, in light of the fact that he was going to interview Amy and get information first hand. All it does is give the public gossip and rumours to feed on; enough already! Amy' s music is like a refreshing new rain falling sometimes; like this new crop of songs for 1997. I really like "Turn This World Around" & "Every Road"; Every one who has heard "Takes A Little Time" is taken by it; thank you Amy for this song! Such true words. "Somewhere Down the Road" connects with the heart of everyone; so beautifully done. I thought of this song for Amy when I heard she lost her mom this past April. GOD does have all our answers.
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