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Article Title: Dr Sheila Matthews' Case For Religious Discrimination Rejected
Author of reported comment: phil michell
Comment Date: 23:37 on Jul 29 2011
Comment: How so wrong can a "christian be "/ So mis informed-uneducated and cleary bigoted in her "righteous views of gay adoption. We live in a diverse world with people of all walks of life and with so many different backgrounds , how can she generalise about every specific case of every potential adoptive childs needs, when even children are different in so many ways and require individual care and attention ,particually love and being tought boundries and life skills that can be develpoed and maintained into an adult life. I am a "christian and I happen to be a gay man" -I have several gay friends around the world who are adoptive parents of children from all different ages,and I cannot recomend gay adults as parents more strongly than I wish too in a few words, to say they are 2nd rated parents to a "straight"-hetro couple is quite amussing to me and not just insulting but ignorant and bias to the core of pure homophobia and the need to as "christians " to be totally intolerant of a world that they could simply start to appreciate and respect for what it really is and not to what they expect. They talk about diverse, but they dont have a clue how to celebrate A DIVERSE society as they have so many "clauses " iin their moral codes that leaves no room for tollerence of anykind. I know what im saying as my backgound was and has been pentecostal-evangelical-right wing-homophobic-God loves you born again christian" and im FREE from this evil controling and destructive and unrealistic stronghold that turned me into all the above and more. Children deserve the very best from those prepared to devote thier lives to those children that have little to look forward to in thier lives and to say Homosexual parents/couples "are inadequate or the wrong people for this is so wrong ,and smells of religous pios and ignorance that needs to die. a + eve then cane + able then there was incest if you take the bible word 4 word. so shut up and live ..
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