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Article Title: The Equalities And Conscience Petition
Author of reported comment: John Lee
Comment Date: 09:41 on May 13 2011
Comment: I think what I have a problem with is Christians wanting a "conscience clause" so they don't have to register civil partnerships or counsel gay individuals or allow gay people to stay in their B&B. Jesus was considered a friend of sinners and said the it's the sick that need the doctor, how can we reach out to the world if we shut them out, how can we show them the love of God that leads people to repentance? I watched "Finger of God" and "Furious Love" recently and I was blown away by the Christians who were reaching out to the prostitutes, new agers, lady-boys and moslems. It was beautiful seeing the God of love leading people to Him (and then turn away from their previous life) through love in action. Have we lost this? Have we forgotten that we are saved by grace and this grace is available for all? I know I did. I also read "Grace Outpouring" about the revival going on at a retreat centre in Wales where God's grace is being poured out first on people and THEN they turn from their lives to Christ. It's made me realise how much "law" there is in me. I want to get back to grace - the grace that first attracted me to follow Christ. I want the people of God to be known first for their outrageous love.
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