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Article Title: Scripture Bashing
Author of reported comment: Scott Tyring
Comment Date: 17:24 on Apr 26 2011
Comment: Paul, How right, you are. Excellent illustrations here in your article. When I think of traditions that tend to use the bible as a weapon, I remember Jesus' confrontation with religious leaders in Jerusalem. He told them, "You diligently study the scriptures (old testament) because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the scriptures that testify about me and yet you refuse to come to me and have life." (John 5:39-40) The book we call the holy bible is meant to bring us into the blessings of life lved in the Holy One. When we proof text and try to win battles we abuse scripture. The proverbs are filled with warning about wasting time and energy correcting fools. But those who truly want to know and seek God, they will find the down to earth Christians you speak of. Try Briam McLaren, Tony Compalo, Rob Bell.
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