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Article Title: Scripture Bashing
Author of reported comment: Martin Hill
Comment Date: 16:30 on Apr 26 2011
Comment: I was just thinking about apologetics (the posh theological word for making a case for Christianity) this morning Paul. Thanks for this. Johann Hari was on the program with Anne Widecombe recently and said, emphatically, 'Christianity has lost the argument'! The truth be told it is an argument made up by the last four hundred years of so called enlightenment and God isn't arguing because the presupposed answer isn't what he is looking for. Argument is about proof. The Bible gets proof texted for every little thing by some conservative Christians but the rational elite make statements without support too. I prefer to follow the wise words of the prophet, 'Assume makes an ass out of you and me!' I used to want to argue people into the kingdom of God and now I have learned how much better it is to love them.
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