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Article Title: Zoom Daddy
Author of reported comment: Matt
Comment Date: 14:00 on Mar 25 2011
Comment: You occassionally get a few comedic gems in other Christian groups, but you never seem to get the comedy along with true piercing thought. The Swirling Eddies may just be a funnier side of DA, but Terry Taylor still manages to weave so much impact throughout songs that might be at first glance little more than spoof. This album has a very alternative sound indeed, you only need to hear the sheer brilliant wierdness of "I Had A Bad Experiece" to know that this is at once a more piercing, and actually more serous offering from the Eddies. The great lyrics of "Disco Love Grapes" along with it funky bassline enhance the fact that this guy surely knows how to write. The expose of too many a life has never been written any better than in "The Golden Girl" This is a very good piece. "Pyro Sets A Wildfire" is a little like "Driving in England" from the Eddies previous album, of what many a God fearing peson must feel at times. The brilliance and the lyrical precision in "Soe Helpful Advice" is catching. Zoom Daddy had to be the Eddies most probing album up to this point. It certainly has a lot to offer. Just play "The Twist" to get a song from the Lord that isnt cliched smarmy. Just plain excellent songwriting skill. Well done ddie, i love yer!
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