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Article Title: Troubled Times For Hammond
Author of reported comment: Rita Wilson
Comment Date: 10:44 on Jan 17 2011
Comment: Dear Brother Fred, First lest me say that I have loved your music for years. I am 64 years old and you music is on my mp3 and I put me earphones in my hears at night and fall alsleep to your ministry of music. I never knew that your were married. I was lying in my bed this morning listening to "Your Love" and thought to myself that I never knew if you were married or not. Well. now I know and my heart goes out to you. Be everblessed my brother as you continue to minister to everyone through song. I've been married 25 years and separated for 2, had open heart surgery and a mechanical valve placed in my heart, lost my home and had to result to living with one of my children who has 11 children, living off of $400 a month, wanted to give up so many times but I bless the name of the Lord that I didnt. I dont have a Church home as of last April and no friends, but when I listen to your music I know that there is hope in Christ and I will not give up. Be Ever Blessed and continue to Be A Blessing to all of us!
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