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Article Title: Troubled Times For Hammond
Author of reported comment: AVA
Comment Date: 05:13 on Jan 3 2011
Comment: The state of God's marriages are really, really bad. Divorce should never be the way of escape. I know times get hard and sometimes you may just straight hate each other person, but I so believe God can do anything. I mean anything. My husband left me almost one year ago. I don't know where he lives I barely even talk to him. His family cut me off as if I was the one cheating or doing all these horrible things. Yet, God shows me everything that goes on in his life through dreams. I had made up my mind to go and file for divorce and restart my life. God told me I could not file for divorce, but if he wants out let him file. So of course it was a great blower to my heart. Since the day my husband left, God has had me to pray for marriages and the men. Something I was not trying to do because I'm looking at the state of my marriage. I am obeying God anyway. We have to take our marriages back by force and God has given us 10,000 angels to helps us fight this battle. So if no one else will fight, I will! Why do you think the church is so out of order. The family is out of order. I just want everyone to have what God says we can have, because it is promised to us and we are just giving it to the devil. I am 33 years old and I have been for married 3 years with no kids. Yet God says, I will have a child and I was told I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, which makes it hard to have kids. No husband to have a child with...I have no choice but to trust God! I do not know what my outcome may be in my marriage because my husband has a will of his own. But I trust God. I have nothing to lose in doing so but I have everything to gain! Be Blessed and Trust God in All things!
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