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Article Title: Intelligent Design Versus Evolution
Author of reported comment: John Thomson
Comment Date: 17:55 on Nov 23 2010
Comment: Paul, Richard et al A few points from a non-scientist and a Christian: 1. I note you generally attack people rather than than propositions. Is this simply small-mindeness or is it because you are unable to deal with their substantive points? 2. Are some supporters of ID Christians? Of course they are. Are they influenced by their Christian beliefs? Almost certainly they are. Their Christian beliefs keep them open to scientific observation and hypotheses that others are closed to. Your implication seems to be that because they are Christians they lack the necessary impartiality and that those who approach science from a non-faith position have such impartiality, or objectivity. Such a view is both passe and naive. No-one approaches issues of science with objectivity. Everyone brings their worldview, their bias. How many who espouse materialist evolutionary theory do so because they are anti-god, anti-faith? Should the science and hypotheses of all atheists be discarded simply because they are atheists and biased. Is it impossible for such to acknowledge design simply because such acknowledgement leads to a designer and such a thesis is anathema. 3. ID is not creationism. It is not because a) many creationists argue for a young earth b) ID at best points out that design posits a designer but certainly is not equivalent to a biblical theology of creation which involves much more. c) IDers argue for design on the basis of scientific observation not the Bible. Is this not what science is? 4. If science cannot allow for hypothesis such as a designer simply because this is non-verifiable by accepted rules perhaps the rules need changed. If science methodology excludes the possibility of some theses then the scientific method is inadequate and needs changed.
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