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Article Title: Troubled Times For Hammond
Author of reported comment: Dori Burk Adderley
Comment Date: 19:07 on Nov 3 2010
Comment: Bro. Fred, since commission (running back to you) It's your radical sincere voice that takes me to a place in Jesus that leads me to follow his will, and i thank you! There are a couple of things we have in common. Our Mothers have gone home to glory names were Dorothy. I have a younger Bro. who's birthday! is the same as yours, Dec. 27th every time you! come to Philly i anticipate the day! and was praying you'd come to in Dec. For We Know! The Prayers of the righteous availeth much. purchased my 8th row ticket and your Birthday! Card. See you soon GOD Willing. Sis Dori.
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