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Article Title: Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit At IHOP In Kansas
Author of reported comment: Alan Burt
Comment Date: 21:25 on Sep 3 2010
Comment: Thank you for praying for us Pamela. We have seen in our Congregation a boldness and effectiveness in the name of Jesus in the last few months. I know that at GrapeVine (Lincoln showground) there have been encouraging signs of physical healing in Jesus name. I also believe that this has co-incided with a greater openness towards the poor, the widow and orphan. Hey, it's not perfect, but what God opens no one can shut, and it's his day when signs follow the preaching of the word. That is, when the name of Jesus and acts of kindness, true worship, are preached then signs are following. God's word has not changed - If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, turn from their wickedness and seek my face, ..... I will heal their land. Thank you Lord Jesus.
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