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Article Title: Missionary to Cuba
Author of reported comment: Jim Muehling
Comment Date: 02:49 on Aug 6 2010
Comment: I have to Cuba twice as a missionary, representing the ministry of Spanish Radio and Television Mission (SRTVM). The ministry has been hard hit by the recession, as many ministries have. However, if it is God's will, I would like to return to Cuba in 2011 at Easter time to bring more Christian CD's, DVD's, and material from SRTVM. This time, I hope to go to the eastern part of Cuba, where few missionaries go. Any suggestions on fund raising? My missionary trip would cost from $2,000 to $3,000. I usually stay about 10 days, preaching in churches and delivering the Christian material along with portable DVD players. In this way, the churches I visit can set up a lending library for the people in the community who live near each church. God bless, Jim Muehling (Volunteer Missionary in the service of Christ)
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