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Article Title: Troubled Times For Hammond
Author of reported comment: CiCi
Comment Date: 17:48 on Jul 27 2010
Comment: I absolutely love your music and your gift of song. I just want to know did God say that it was ok to leave your marriage? If he is a healer of disease, can he not heal a "seemingly" broken marriage? If it was a choice then I think it should be said I (you) chose to give up on God and my (your) marriage because the God I... (we) serve is able to do all things but we have to endure and Want what he wants for us... not saying it’s easy but accountability to ones actions and decisions is crucial to not only you but those that can be lead astray by your decisions. It’s scary when you see those that are very much intimate with Christ not able to withstand the devourer’s traps (divorce). John 7:24 (New King James Version) 24 Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”
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