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Article Title: Troubled Times For Hammond
Author of reported comment: Diane Ewe.
Comment Date: 19:59 on Jul 17 2010
Comment: Praise the Lord my brother, I was truly touched by your words, last sunday on lift every voice. My brother God has a master plan,still. The emeny comes to rob kill and destroy, that's his job. But guess what, God has the first the last word in any and every situation.Fred you are a awesome man of God first a farmost, expect these attacks. I myself have endure such pain, in my life, maybe even more! But God has seem me through. My true man of God, be still and know that God is God. I know sometimes, we don't want to here what others say, but believe me this to shall pass. wipping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning! I pray that God will push you beyond the veil, because that's where you will find peace, joy and most of all God's Love. Much Love your sister. Be Encouaged!
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