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Article Title: Larry Norman: The David Di Sabatino's Fallen Angel documentary
Author of reported comment: Dave
Comment Date: 20:14 on Jun 23 2010
Comment: I've seen this film and, quite frankly, it's lame and obviously vindictive. This was obviously his move to lash back in anger at Larry. That having been said, I know Larry was not a perfect guy. Like any of us he had his flaws, but who on earth except for a scumbag takes aim at a brother after his death to smear his memory... especially when the family of the deceased is offended by it? Furthermore, I am disgusted with Randy's involvement in this movie. Larry led Randy to the Lord and now, after Larry's death, Randy takes aim to essentially slander his bro in Christ while elevating himself. It's no wonder that Randy is the star commentator in Di Sabatino's film. Both of these guys are bitter and it came out in the wash! Randy has done the same thing to Keith Green. I have personal friends that have hung with Randy and heard the crappy way he talks about everyone but himself as though he were the most godly among them all. I think this is one of the ways Randy deals with the fact that he's never enjoyed the same praise as guys like Norman or Green and, I think after participating in gigs like this, never will. I've met Larry in person and hung out with the guy (and his mom). Awesome people! All I can say is that Di Sabatino and Randy Stonehill are the last people on earth that I would take their word for. They smeared a genuine brother in Christ and I can only pray God shows each of them mercy and heals their hearts.
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