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Article Title: BeBe's Facebook Campaign
Author of reported comment: Garnet B. Croft
Comment Date: 23:38 on Apr 24 2010
Comment: It's a disgrace! Not only is this organisation using the well deserved success of Delirious' History Maker to promote an unknown artist, the track lacks any real Christian message, the artist's bio and testimony had no mention of her faith until it was pointed out on many occasions by bemused Christians, and there is a clear divide about the nature of the project. In my opinion, if you are going to use people's faith to make money at least give them something that will inspire them and bring them closer to God. I can't see any trace of that in the campaign. They are also crying out for people to lure their children into buying it with their messages online. Why couldn't they use this effective marketing tool for getting the Good News to the top of the UK charts? It's a clear attempt to dupe Christians to part with their money. I am rather skeptical of the artist's testimony. It's been edited so many times it could be 5 different people now.
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