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Article Title: Larry Norman: The David Di Sabatino's Fallen Angel documentary
Author of reported comment: Markley
Comment Date: 07:24 on Apr 24 2010
Comment: I think its a real shame that the way the movie “Fallen Angel” comes across whether it means to or not is as a mean spirited and over the top vengeance vehicle. This severely limits its effectiveness in bringing light to this extremely difficult subject. It is a shame because this could be an extremely enlightening exercise for us to understand human frailty better and to help a person who was so hurt in all this… Daniel Robinson. I so would have preferred if this movie could have treated Larry Norman with much more (at least feigned) compassion and respect and just stuck to 1) providing a balanced look at this talented person that God so used despite his shortcomings and 2) covering the mental health questions that Larry Norman himself raised by writing and talking from the stage about being diagnosed with bipolar trauma and 3) the most important and undeniable element of Daniel Robinson. Daniel’s case is extremely strong since Larry Norman appears to have admitted to being his father explicitly in e-mails and by his various actions including having mentioned him in some of the versions of his will. If David DiSabatino really wants to help Daniel he could focus on these three elements and then more people including more Larry Norman fans could listen to the undeniable complexity of Larry Norman’s behavior and it would not be drowned out by the current sea of unprovable complaints that take up most of the negative part of this movie. At least the ‘festival’ version of the film was extremely divisive and not very enlightening and did little to help Daniel. The movie is just more tragedy poured upon the tragedy already there…
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