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Article Title: Larry In The Spotlight
Author of reported comment: Markley
Comment Date: 03:28 on Apr 21 2010
Comment: I thought the fallen Angel movie came across in a way that obscured the point that holds the most weight which in my opinion is getting Daniel legally recognized. It would have been a complete movie just to explore Daniel's situation and stick on that one unassailable fact. That might be something that one COULD do in a loving way that could treat Jennifer, Daniel AND Larry with respect. That could be truly a 'Bible Story'. Can't we handle difficult subjects without trying to completely destroy those that have a different perspective? But by trying to cover so much in so little time but from only one side of the controversy the film comes across as very unfair and unbalanced and hardly 'christian'. A friend I brought to the movie (who didn't know anything about Larry Norman before seeing the movie) said they felt drug through the mud and said to them it seemed like what they called a "hatchet job". Several of the articles said that Norman had been diagnosed with bipolar trauma, but for some reason this important point goes unexamined in the movie. Some rebuttal to some of the points in the movie:
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