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Article Title: Experiencing Vanessa
Author of reported comment: Gloria Blacksure
Comment Date: 11:23 on Apr 10 2010
Comment: I heard this song titled, "Prayer Still Works" WOW! It took me to the Third Heaven of God. Right timing, and was Spiritually Decerned! I felt the awesome annointing of the HolyGhost on this one. It's like God was telling me to pray again. I received from your Spirit to my Spirit on this one Vanessa. I sure pray that I can experience you singing this song live @ some church. I believe if I do, that stronghold that has me bound will break, and I will be free. That song is for me. I hope to meet you in person one day, and to God be the Glory!!! Your trial's truly has come to make you stronger! I can't stop listening to that song selection, it is something in there that only God knows you make me hear it. A word from the Lord! "You Sung My Soul Happy" I will pray for you, and ask you pray for me... 'Love U With the love of the Lord!!!
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