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Article Title: Michael's Fall
Author of reported comment: Ryan
Comment Date: 12:12 on Mar 27 2010
Comment: I don't actually care what Mike has done so far, what he's doing, or what he will do. Fact is, he's a human, just like you, just like me. He isn't perfect. He sins. Yes it is understandable that some should feel hurt or betrayed by what happened, but he's publicly apologized, I accept his apology, and have forgiven him. And in my opinion, Healer is one of his greatest songs he's ever written. It's a song you can sing from the very depth of your heart. And it does have to power to affect. I have a personal testimony of the healing power of simply singing along with it. I had a very severe pain in my ear, I got prayed for, then I sat down and listened to this very song. Within the first few minutes, I could feel the pain leaving. By the end of the song, the pain had gone altogether. If I had the opportunity, I would go and give Mike a big hug and say thanks for being such a perfect example of a typical human, and for writing the song that has manifest it's power in me. I am hoping and believing, sure as fire, that there are other people out there in this world that can share a testimony similar to mine. I also believe that God allowed this to happen to wake us up to who Mike really was: another human just like us. To be honest, I never would have expected something like this to happen. Ever. But it did. And I believe God has done a great work through it. Just remember people: Give GOD all the glory
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