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Article Title: Hello Hurricane
Author of reported comment: antoneqween
Comment Date: 14:32 on Mar 3 2010
Comment: God created us in a best image and gave us the opportunity to have a full and eternal life. either we will get the paradise or the Hell .GOD gave us the option ..and showed us the straight way -.did not make us as robots to automatically obey Him, but He gave us free will and freedom of choice.every thing is clear for us...GOD gave us a beautiful earth which had contained upon every thing that the human could not live without that things,,we know that the God still very generous but i feel sorry because humans are still denying kindness and favor of the God..HE waits from us to return to his obedience..but we still disobey him We often choose ignoring Him and going our own way. This things take as far away from God. please return to the right way,and do the best deeds... imitate the deeds of the prophets..because they guide us to the truth of existence..if you love the God do what he wants from you ...and remember no one could help you just the God who created all the existence
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