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Article Title: Lanae' Hale: Overcoming self-harm to sing of God's goodness
Author of reported comment: Hannah
Comment Date: 23:48 on Jan 13 2010
Comment: i'm a messed up girl, i've been bulimic for the past 3 and a half years, have self harmed for the past year and struggle deeply with depression. i feel worthless. I've tried everything to recover, i've had psychologists, psychiatrists, i've fell on my face before God, i've cried out to him, i've buryed myself in the bible, in journalling, in worship, and sometimes it helped... but it's been over 3 years now, and nothings better, if anything it's worse, i hate how i look, im ashamed of my scars... In short, i've given up hope of ever being ok again, cause i know i never can be... But even though i'm hopeless right now, i love reading testimonies like this, raised as a christian i always wanted to be good enough, a good little girl, but reading things like this show me that God can use those who do and have struggled and messed up...
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