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Article Title: Gardening Tips For Married People
Author of reported comment: Rick
Comment Date: 15:31 on Nov 7 2009
Comment: Beth & I have been married 23 years this year. Even though we dated a year & a half before getting married, there are always things to learn about a person when you have to live under the same roof. Dating & living apart is easy. Now you have someone under your roof with completely different ideas about organizing. I'm meticulous & organized. My wife is nonchalant. I believe in getting a chore done and over. My wife, "I'll do it later". I like to get places early & not be pressured. My wife thinks our car is a time machine and defys the effect of time in the known universe. The first 5 years was really hard. Faith in The Lord & understanding the patience & forgiveness He abounded over us as sinners is a great example of how to treat each other in the relationship. We weren't practicing believers at the beginning of our journey, but now, the faith we have is a great tool and guide. After about 10 years its like we know each other too well. I can't even suprise her on her birthday or anniversary anymore. She knows me too well. The best thing to be is spontaneous. If I'm out looking at band equipment or purchasing tools for a job, I always bring home a small surprise for her like a plant or a good bottle of wine. She's very appreciative. Long story short, embrace your differences and ponder the thought, " Would you enjoy living with you?"
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