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Article Title: Human Trafficking: the modern day slave trade
Author of reported comment: Simon Icke
Comment Date: 16:57 on Oct 26 2009
Comment: Sadly too many men still think a woman is no more than a sex object to be used and discarded for men's pleasure as portrayed in soulless porn films. The woman has to try and keep smiling as she is physically and sexually abused. Sadly many men think this is normal sex and try to treat their partners in a similar manner. But I think the main reason male politicians and the leading authorities probably because they have an attitude that the women deserve who have sex for money deserve what they get, but this is the kind of talk about prostitutes you hear in bars and clubs, so there is little sympathy from many 'macho' men. To change their preconceptions would need a new education with Panorama type investigations exposing the seedy, sleazy, brutal reality of the life of a young prostitute in Britain today. I would imagine it is anything but glamorous; more brutal and disgustingly sickening. On a recent TV documentary on trafficking one young girl was held captive for up to ten hours a day in a room with no windows, just a double mattress on the floor and a toilet and a shower, her pimp forced her to have sex with up to twenty men a day. In her words 'they could do whatever they liked with her behind the closed doors', the pimp held her passport as she was powerless to escape. But no the men in power don't want to hear such stories. They prefer their fantasy world of Belle de Jour. And enjoy their mutual titillation in men's company.
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