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Article Title: Petra Change
Author of reported comment: Josiah Honest
Comment Date: 21:12 on Oct 19 2009
Comment: I love Petra and have since the mid 1980's,when I saw them in South Florida on the "Back to the Street"tour.I know it's neither here nor there and doesn't matter anymore.But Louie Weaver is one of the best drummers I have ever seen.One of my best memories from seeing Petra play live was seeing Louie Weaver wearing a Mickey Mouse T-shirt,just tear it up on the drums,and then come out from behind the drums and witness,and testify to the audience about how much he loved Jesus Christ.I can't imagine what situation would call for him being fired from the band after 22 years,when forgiveness is the central theme of Christianity.I just don't think it was the right move,and don't think it's what Louie Weaver deserved(for whatever reason).I'm surprised that noone else in the band stood up for Louie.I think Paul Simmons is a fantastic drummer,and I really like my"Farewell" CD that I listen to often.But man,22 years is a long time,and anyone can see a video of Louie Weaver's drumming,online if you search for it,and remember,there just is/was no better drummer than Louie Weaver,and after 22years deserved to retire with the rest of Petra.That's my opinion.I love Petra,and will still be listening to them no matter what,and am thankful for all the great music praising the Lord Jesus Christ!,and spreading the Gospel Message!
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