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Article Title: Chevelle Franklin: Dancehall Queen To Gospel Reggae Scene
Author of reported comment: Peter maigua
Comment Date: 06:08 on Aug 24 2009
Comment: About 5-years ago my church- Nairobi lighthouse church hoted chevelle for an EXTREME weekend of music and ministry. My family was given the awesome priveledge of providing our car to drive her and her husband to and fro venue. I cannot tell you how this impacted us. This is the closest one can come to her annointing!! She has a sweeeeeet spirit and is a true servant of the Lord. We are so excited that this weekend 29th Aug 2009 she is returning to our church for ministry enroute Nigeria. Chevelle welcome and we can't wait to see you. God bless. Peter & Jane + our girls Melody, Joy, Gloria & Victoria
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