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Article Title: Always On His Mind
Author of reported comment: Nikki Bence
Comment Date: 16:09 on Jul 29 2009
Comment: I have only just discovered Misty and team and the "house of prayer"in Kansas City. I bought all three cds (only Always on His mind has come so far), and I have got to say I was blown away!!! Not being a musician myself, I love to play worship music as I seek His face in my secret place, and I have got to say the music on this recording is Spirit inspired and heart birthed and takes you straight to the throne room of heaven! When we worship God gives us His joy and I was filled with joy and adoration as I met with him. The songs penned are devotional, challenging, and cliche free. If you're not convinced to buy, check her out on youtube. Can't wait for other two cds to drop through post!
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