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Article Title: Count Your Blessings
Author of reported comment: john Gbla
Comment Date: 18:21 on Jul 17 2009
Comment: thanks for most opf your inspiring articles. This is a subject I like to see being touched upon. The sin of ingratitude I belive is serious in the sight of God. On earth a child who does not know how to say thank you will never enjoy the fruits of his/her parent's labour no matter how obedient he/she may be. A troublesome child who shows gratitude for things done for him will always win the heart of the pa rents. may be, i am reflecting on action. I used to be very very troublesome but always the one to say thank you. God inhabits the praises of His porple but we fail to realise the implication of thanking Him for anything. I like the Nigerian song writer that says: "I only thank God when things are not ok and when they are then I lavish Him with my gift of Praise" This is powerful. praising God shows how reliable He is in our journey through life. This should be a way of life for every chiuld of God. He has done so many things most of which are not visible to the eyes. I work with people suffering from enduring form of mental illness. What is see from some of the symptoms make me appreciate life the more. How can you live by being commended by the voices in your head? There are people who cannot make saliva in their mouth; there are others who cannot think for themselves. Decisions have to be made on their behalf. Some of us have eyes to see, legs to walk and money to spend yet we cannot for a minute thank the maker for His goodness and mercy.
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