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Article Title: These Broken Hands
Author of reported comment: Ben
Comment Date: 15:05 on Jun 26 2009
Comment: My mum bought this album and told me not to "borrow" it and never give it back.. I'd never even heard of Portland. But i thought i would listen to it as i cooked my tea one night. From the opening track right through to the last, this album is beautiful. Not just musically but lyrically this album just ticks every single box. I later "borrowed" this CD and i haven't given it back. It's without doubt become my favourite album. It's exactly the kind of music i love to listen to. It works wonders to help you relax. This album managed to connect on such a personal level to me, through the lyrics and the emotion put across in every song. Every word on the album had some relavence to my life. And every song helped me to reflect. And i just led on my bedroom floor, and just listened. from track one to eleven. I just listened. And prayed. I think as far as Christian music goes, and all the stereotypes that surround it as being not very good.. Portland show that this just isn't true. Every song an amazing display of song writing, vocal and musical talent, which is hard to find at all in any modern music. A really exceptional album. And I am really looking forward to any future releases by Portland. I probably will still be listening to this one until then.. Its so good! God bless.
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