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Article Title: Moral Failure
Author of reported comment: Messenger777
Comment Date: 21:24 on Jun 19 2009
Comment: HisProfit Christians are NOT called to be finger pointers or judges! Maybe there would be more christians in the world if we stopped concentrating on their flaws and down falls. Jesus never stood in the middle of the town yelling out what someones sins where. You honestly think it is our job to publicly announce everyones sins? This was my first post on a christian web site in years and it will be my last. As soon as I state an opinion contrary to the majority I get blasted. HisProfit thanks for telling me that my point-of-view was not biblical. Thanks for falling in line with what I was saying in the first place about how christians act and proving my point. Check your self fam and seek Gods direction and you will see that finger pointing is NOT in Gods design. One day that whole mentality of yours will be blown apart when you are responsible for turning away souls due to your arrogance. Ambassador should have been confronted my his brethren and whatever decision that was made should have been between them and God.
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