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Article Title: The Best Job In The World
Author of reported comment: Sven GHB
Comment Date: 17:48 on Jun 11 2009
Comment: Yes, there is the problem we all have of comparing ourselves to others and their jobs: how much status, how much pay, even how much leisure. The list goes on. But as Jason said (I'll paraphrase): for many of us, work has become something that interrupts our leisure time, and so the prerequisites of our search for desired occupations have changed to focus on things duch as freedom, power, remuneration, leisure time, perks, and company cars. Somewhat more of a picture painted in the proverbial Hollywood, I would say. So where is our compass in this matter pertaining to how we spend the majority of our adult lives, and directly related to what kind of legacy we leave behind? Who are we? What do I want from Life? What was I born to do? No, these are not just questions straight from the 'Highlander' or 'Matrix' movies. To know who we are, we need to know more about who God is. To know more about God, so we can learn who we really are and what makes us tick in this upside-down world, we need to become quiet and listen intently, inwardly. Maybe such a path leads to finding out what the world's best job is. The best job in the world for us, AND for everyone around us. I would love to write more on this matter, but I am out looking for a job so I can pay the bills...hmmmmm
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