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Article Title: Call of the Wolverine
Author of reported comment: Catherine
Comment Date: 17:58 on May 27 2009
Comment: After taking a year out of church, I went back two months ago and looking around the congregation, I wondered what it was about Christianity that makes men effeminate. But then, there's an identity crisis among 30s and unders in the Church in the UK. Men can be effeminate and lack confidence in themselves, and women and girls in the Church more and more are becoming Barbie clones who can't think for themselves, which is also encouraged by the Church. One recent women's meeting at a 'Bible-based' church, the teaching was purely that women had to make themselves 'look beautiful'. The Bible has a lot to say about women NOT making themselves up! There is a lot of gender-stereotyping in the Church at the moment, but it is based on the Western world's distorted view of gender, not what the Bible has to say. OR the leaders of the churches wish to encourage a distorted view of gender, and find Bible verses to back their teaching, in the same way the Bible can be used to back slavery. I find it all quite concerning, and at the moment, there isn't any church I'd wish to stay in, or would want my children to go to because of the teaching and expectations put on young people of the distorted view of gender.
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