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Article Title: Worship Satire
Author of reported comment: Mark Hamilton
Comment Date: 15:17 on May 11 2009
Comment: Wow - this video started off as a cheeky joke to make couple of my christian muso friends laugh, I had no idea it would go viral! It was never meant to be 'controversial' - I thought I'd set the record straight as to the story behind the song, for all you Cross Rhythms dudes!! Read on my friends... If you know the original song, it is a cartoon parody of the 'rock star' lifestyle through the eyes of a wannabe - my song takes that idea and applies it to the worship industry - it doesn't tell it like it IS, it is a cartoon parody of how many wannabes perceive their life will be if they become a famous worship leader. It's about the wannabes NOT about worship leaders or famous Christian bands. Just want to make that clear before I get a barrage of complaints from worship leaders!! Here's the story behind the song... I wrote the lyrics after meeting some kids after a Quench show at the Colston Hall in Bristol, UK. They said they were in a band. I asked them - So are you a rock band like us, or do you do praise and worship? Their reply took me by surprise. They said - Oh definitely worship; our youth leader told us that if we want to be famous and make a lot of money, we need to be a worship band. Its also challenge to myself and every other Christian musician to worship God with integrity and leave any egos and rock star tendencies behind when we stand before a congregation. For the rest of the story - see the info bit on youtube. Honestly, I'm a nice guy and I love sung worship. I'm really sorry if you get offended by this video, none is intended, and if this video is having a negative effect rather than a positive effect, I'll take it down. The good news is that most people seem to find it funny - I even got an email from the wife of one of the Delirious guys saying how their tour manager sent them the link and how they thought it was really funny and spot on, which was really cool of them.
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