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Article Title: The War: Science And The Church
Author of reported comment: Mark D
Comment Date: 22:15 on Mar 27 2009
Comment: With all due respect, & whatever that means, I am reading a ton of Christian ignorance, both in the above article & in the comments. Do your homework believers. The argument is not innately science vs. church, but those who interpret data based upon existing presuppositions(which is wrongly called science) vs. the Bible. If you have questions as to if contradictions actually exist between what God said about His creation and so called science evidence which allegedly disproves God (the Bible), read and, and see what these Phd Scientists have found. Darwin called Christianity "a damnable doctrine". A science professor whom he befriended warned Darwin about the bloodshed that would come as a result of his "On the Origin of Species by Means Of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races In the Struggle for Life". Do your homework Christians. Study the link between all the bloodshed of the1st 50 years of the 1900s to Darwin's book. There's absolutely no reason to "apologize" for taking a stand on literal creation.
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