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Article Title: KJ-52: Christendom's Slim Shady?
Author of reported comment: starinshadowland
Comment Date: 16:10 on Mar 24 2009
Comment: Whether Eminem has denied being a Christian or not; his life depicts a certain spiritual condition. And it is not that of someone who trusts God with his life, and is at peace knowing God's got him. I'm sorry this touched a nerve with you. I definitely don't want to hate on Eminem; but I can't ignore the lifestyle Eminem is living; it's not what a follower of Jesus Christ is called to. He's a talented artist, there's no denying that, but his music doesn't reflect a life made complete in Christ. I think, like many people, Eminem is hurting and searching for the reason he's here rapping in this world at all. "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me'" John 14:6. "Everyone who believes in him [Jesus] will not be put to shame" Romans 10:11.
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