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Article Title: The War: Science And The Church
Author of reported comment: BRIAN JEWKES
Comment Date: 13:58 on Mar 19 2009
Comment: Pauls a good Christian soldier,and seems to have found himself in the thick of the battle again. I think his idea to keep our eyes on our leader is good advice. Like a great sea the tide seems to come in and go out on many seemingly enlightened thoughts. Sometimes as it goes out it reveals things we hadnt realised were there before. Equally when it comes in no fabricated structure can stand against it. Me i just love Jesus and try to do the same to my fellow man. I leave Jesus to building His church,which he promised he would,and the gates of hell wont prevail against it. As soldiers we have our part in the battle,but im reminded that going Over the Top can sometimes unnecessarily waist a lot of lives. Best maybe to seek a high vantage point ,and clear directions, before chargeing head long ,like some modern day light brigade. Its been said before in the 60s man stood on the moon. 2 thousand years before,God stood on earth. These days men look for life on other planets,but God still looks for faith on earth.
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