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Article Title: A Diamond Date
Author of reported comment: Matthew
Comment Date: 10:06 on Mar 19 2009
Comment: I find it amusing that some creationists attack the "half-life" while others (e.g The writers of the article on say it is a fair concept. The article gives off the impression that they agree with the carbon-14 dating process but say it is flawed by the non-constant carbon-14 to carbon12 ratio. The website actualy agrees with the half-life and radioactive decay. Are they unaware that isotopes of other radioactive elements such as Uranium-238 have a half-life of 4.47 billion years? How come creationists aren't pouncing on this? It seems unfair that Carbon-14 can be accepted because it's half-life sits in the timescale of the bible yet Uranium-238 goes unnoticed even though it's half-life is as old as the earth...
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