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Article Title: The Bible For Dummies
Author of reported comment: C
Comment Date: 07:50 on Feb 14 2009
Comment: i know that we should keep the Sabbath Holy, but am not exactly sure what tht means in practice. I mean, i go to Church on Sunday and then afterwards i usually try not to study that day and have lunch and fellowship with church friends, but what about afterwards? is it OK to buy a newspaper or a bar of chocolate on a Sunday? what about going to have a drink and a Sunday roast at the local carvery? Aren't tho se things, after all, supporting Sunday trading, which means that the shop-keepers, assisstants, publicans etc have to work that day? Where do we draw the line? it seems that there i sno clear list of Do's and Don'ts for Christian Sabbath. i want to please God without being legalistic. Am confused.
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