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Article Title: Darwin's Religious Background
Author of reported comment: Danyel
Comment Date: 04:53 on Dec 9 2008
Comment: what evidence do you have that God is a lie? Just because you don't have physical evidence to support it? Ok lets say you die tomorrow and behold Christians were wrong and there is no heaven or God well you got lucky cause then there is no hell also. However what if you are wrong? Can you live with that possibility? Can you continue to live now knowing that when you die you could go the hell to be tortured for eternity. Do you live now thinking that you are in control or your life and not held down under the doctrines of Christianity? In truth people who are not saved are being controlled by someone who doesn't love you and who wants you to fail and live your whole life blind and then come to him after you die so that he can say "gottcha!" Or maybe you are rebelling because someone close to you died and you think that it was unjust, well we all have to die. How we go might be different but it'll happen to all of us. If you really loved that person you would had led them to the truth because under Christ Jesus is the promise that we will all be reunited with one another. If that person was a child then they will go to heaven regardless because their sins are not yet counted. So please tell me which end do you find worse?
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